IgnitePOST public API reference
We're using API keys for authentication.
Set up an API key at profile/API Keys
You have to provide the secret token when making API calls as a request header in the following format:
X-TOKEN: your-secret-api-token
Testing the authentication can be done by querying the https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/authenticate endpoint (see below).
We use HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request:
- codes in the 2xx range indicate success
- codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g. a required parameter was omitted, a resource was not found)
- codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with IgnitePost's servers
Common Objects
The Order Object
The fields of an IgnitePost order are as follows:
id: string - Unique identifier for the order
uid: string - Unique external identifier for the orders from your own system
message: string - The letter text
font: string
image_url: string
insert: string
metadata: string - Use this field to attach key-value data to order objects.
As an example, you could store your user's name, id: "metadata[id]=42"
recipient_name: string
recipient_email: string
recipient_company_name: string
recipient_address_one: string
recipient_address_two: string
recipient_city: string
recipient_state: string
recipient_zip: string
sender_name: string
sender_address_one: string
sender_address_two: string
sender_city: string
sender_state: string
sender_zip: string
created_at: datetime
send_on: date
sent_at: datetime
Test Mode
There are two ways to use the API in test mode:
1. Send an 'X-TESTING'
request header with the value of 'true'
2. Use an API key that has not been switched to live
When the API is in test mode the orders you send will not be persisted.
- description: Used to test your authentication
- endpoint: GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/authenticate
- arguments: none
- response:
{ "email":"your@email.com" }
- example:
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/authenticate
List letter templates
- description: Returns the list of available letter-templates that can be used as a template for the handwritten letter. Attributes passed in the create order payload will override the template attributes.
- endpoint: GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/letter_templates
- arguments: none
- response:
"data": [
"id" :"42",
"name": "Congratulations Card",
- example:
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/letter_templates
List fonts
- description: Returns the list of available fonts that can be used for the handwritten message
- endpoint: GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/fonts
- arguments: none
- response:
"data": [
"key": "becca",
"label": "Becca"
- example:
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/fonts
List default images
- description: Returns the list of available stock images that can be used for the note
- endpoint: GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/images
- arguments: none
- response:
"data": [
"key": "thank_you",
"label": "Thank You",
"url": "http://ignitepost.com/thank-you.jpg"
- example:
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/images
List inserts
- description: Returns the list of available inserts (gift cards) that can be attached to the handwritten letter
- endpoint: GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/inserts
- arguments: none
- response:
"data": [
"key" :"starbucks_5_giftcard",
"name": "$5 Starbucks Giftcard",
"denomination": 5.0,
"purchase_fee": 0.0
- example:
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/inserts
Retrieve an order
- description: Returns an order object
- endpoint: GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/orders/:id
- arguments: none
- response: an order object
- example:
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X GET https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/orders/42
Create an order
- endpoint: POST https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/orders
- arguments:
font: string (required)
- accepted values
- known IgnitePost fonts - see the list fonts endpoint
message: string (required)
- accepted values
- max length of 450 chars
image: string (required)
- accepted values
- a known IgnitePost image-key - see the default images endpoint
- an image url (max file size: 4mb, max dimensions: 4200px width x 3000px height)
- an image data stream (max file size: 4mb, max dimensions: 4200px width x 3000px height)
insert: string (optional)
- accepted values
- known IgnitePost inserts - see the list inserts endpoint
recipient_name: string (optional)
recipient_email: string (optional)
recipient_company_name: string (optional)
recipient_address_one: string (required)
recipient_address_two: string (optional)
recipient_city: string (required)
recipient_state: string (required)
recipient_zip: string (required)
sender_name: string (optional)
sender_address_one: string (optional)
sender_address_two: string (optional)
sender_city: string (optional)
sender_state: string (optional)
sender_zip: string (optional)
send_on: date (optional)
- leave this field empty to send order ASAP
- format YYYY-MM-DD
letter_template_id: integer (optional)
- accepted values
- see the list letter-templates endpoint
- arguments passed in the create order payload will override the template attributes
uid: string (optional)
metadata: string (optional)
- attach key-value data to your order objects
- each key should be sent separately
- example: -d 'metadata[key_name]=key_value'
response: if successfully created, the newly created order object. If validations failed, returns an errors object
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X POST https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/orders -d 'message=Thank you for your business' -d 'font=pea' -d 'image=thank_you' -d 'recipient_name=Stan Marsh' -d 'recipient_address_one=1st Main str' -d 'recipient_city=South Park' -d 'recipient_state=CO' -d 'recipient_zip=12345' -d 'metadata[key1]=value1' -d 'metadata[key2]=value2'
Preview note
- endpoint: POST https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/preview
- arguments:
font: string (required)
message: string (required)
image: string (required - this argument can be:
a known IgnitePost image-key
an image url or
an image data stream)
- response - returns a list of images urls:
"front": "http://ignitepost.com/front.jpg",
"inside": "http://ignitepost.com/inside.jpg"
- example:
curl -H "X-TOKEN: aVaLIdAP1t0kEN" -X POST https://dashboard.ignitepost.com/api/v1/preview -d 'message=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' -d 'font=pea' -d 'image=thank_you'
You can also use webhooks for receiving a notification once an order is fulfilled.
Set them up at profile/Webhooks
Known Issues
We'll be listing here any issues that are brought to our attention until we can fix them.